Syntropic farming is a way of growing food inspired by how a forest functions. Instead of focusing on what humans need from the land, this method suggests that we think about how all living beings depend on each other and how we can work together. By observing and learning how plants, animals, and microorganisms interact in a forest, we can mimic those interactions and create cultivation systems that are beneficial to the entire ecosystem. The idea is to replicate the way the forest organizes itself, allowing each part of the system to contribute something valuable and maintain a natural balance.

It is based on key principles such as plant diversity, vertical stratification, biomass accumulation, soil cover, crop rotation, plant succession, nutrient cycling, observation and adaptation, as well as efficient water use.

In terms of climate change, this approach functions as a carbon sink, storing carbon in biomass and soil. Additionally, it reduces the need for agrochemicals and tillage, mitigating CO2 emissions and improving crop resilience to extreme weather events.